My Go-To Breakfast

This is my go-to breakfast.

1. It’s delicious, because I sauté my vege in butter with turmeric, cumin, chilli flakes and a drizzle of lemon juice. No more boring veggies. Purple cabbage, leek, chard, zucchini, kale. Choose your own adventure.

2. It’s a balanced meal - I’ve got eggs for protein and nut/seed loaf for protein, veggies for their array of vitamins and minerals, avocado for good fats, My New Roots life changing loaf for fibre, raw sauerkraut for gut health AND halloumi because... halloumi!

3. The bread was baked on the weekend, you can pre-boil your eggs so all you have to do is quickly sauté your vegetables and grill your halloumi. Time wise this is done in a flash.

4. This powers me through the morning. No blood sugar spikes for me with this balanced plate.

BreakfastRenee Lynch